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As a dance school we love to give our pupils lots of opportunities to perform and showcase their talents! Our pupils have had the opportunity to perform at lots of local fetes and events in and around Brailsford! 


Our latest performances: 

Brailsford Church Performances 2022/2023: It has been fanatic to see our dancers performing at the local church. Thank you to all those who came to support our dancers! 

Brailsford School Fete 2022: We loved watching our pupils perform at Brailsford School in the sunshine! Thank you to everyone who joined us to dance in the community! 

Brailsford Jubilee celebrations 2022: How amazing to see our pupils perform in the community and support other local acts! Well done to all those who took part!

Believe 2022: What an amazing whole school show! We had so much fun backstage with all of our pupils & we loved seeing them take to the stage. Thank you so much for all of the amazing support!

Kirk Langley Field Day 2021: A fantastic event! Well done to all those who performed for friends and family in our local community!

Come Alive 2020: Wow! What an amazing whole school show! Well done to all those involved. 

Ashbourne Lodge Care Home 2019: A huge well done to all those who danced at the care home! It was great to have so many pupils there looking fab in their IDA uniform!

Brailsford School Fair 2019: A big thank you and well done to all those who danced in the sunshine to represent IDA! 

Shine 2018: Wow wow wow! A huge well done to everyone involved in our latest whole school show! We had so much fun backstage - thank you for all of the support!

Brailsford Church Fete 2018: Well done to all of those who performed in the sunshine at the fete! It was lovely to see pupils performing despite the heat!

Kirk Langley Church Fete 2018: A huge well done to all of our dancers who represented us at the fete! Lots of fun performing to family & friends!

Kirk Langley Church Fete 2017: Despite the weather it was lovely to see pupils having fun and performing to their friends and family! A fantastic turn out - well done to all those who took part!

Carnival 2016: Wow! What a wonderful way to finish the year! Our 3rd annual show took place at Derby Theatre and pupils had so much fun performing to friends & family! 

Kirk Langley Church Fete 2016: Another super performance by our modern pupils! Pupils aged from just 3yrs performed their dances to friends and family in the sunshine! 

Brailsford Church Fete 2016: Well done to all of our modern pupils who took part in this event! It was great to have such a big audience to perform to and we had a fantastic time! 

Bring me Sunshine 2015: Wow! What a lovely 2nd show at the Robert Ludlam Theatre! So much backstage and onstage! Well done to all those involved!

Ashbourne May Fun Day 2015: A brilliant fun day enjoyed by all! Well done to all of our modern girls who performed at this event!

Brailsford School Fair 2014: It was fantastic to see our pupils having a great time performing to their friends at this event! Fantastic dancing from all those who took part! Well done!

Big Gig 2014: Well done to all those who danced at the Big Gig this year! Dancers from our Rainbow Modern, Preliminary Modern and Junior Modern classes took to the stage to perform some of their show routines in the sunshine!

It's a Beautiful Day 2014: A fantastic first show! Through the support of local businesses, we were able to hold a charity raffle raising £111 for Cancer Research UK!

Christmas Performance 2013: What a brilliant Christmas Performance! It was a sell out! It was fantastic to see so many pupils on stage enjoying themselves! Together we managed to raise £236 for Cancer Research UK! What an achievement!

Brailsford School Fair 2013: It was so lovely for our pupils to perform for their friends at this event . Thank you for having us there we had a great time!

Big Gig 2013: Thank you to everybody who came and took part in the Big Gig at Brailsford. It was a wonderful afternoon and great to see so much local talent! We are already looking forward to next year!

Brailsford Church Fete 2013: The weather didn't dampen our spirits! It was great fun to be part of the parade and perform in such a friendly atmosphere! The children loved it!

Summer Performance 2013: What a fabulous afternoon! Parents/carers, friends and family had a great time watching all of Infinity's pupils perform some great show numbers as well as some exam pieces! Thank you to everyone who supported the event. We managed to raise £140 for Cancer Research UK.









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